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Birth of M.O.R.E Mothers

When I delivered my son in 2018 the “expected” changes that come with motherhood were almost secondary. I experienced a traumatic nerve injury giving birth that left me without feeling in my right leg for a long length of time. This left me unable to walk, unable to bathe myself and many other things I’ll leave up to your imagination. This was a challenge yes. Not being able to walk my son to sleep, change his diapers or care for him as I had envisioned for the last 40 weeks, mixed with this challenge started to take a toll. With a slow healing process, a snowball effect took place. 

No walking, no work. No work, no money & no insurance. No insurance, no treatment. Still bills on top of more bills.

Breaking down was the easier option but with the help of many women I got advice, information on resources, support groups and I got to work. I got to work on bettering myself physically, which helped me mentally. I found ways to provide for my family. The bad news in short, the trials and tribulations of finding, applying and receiving resources was not the easiest. People were not always the nicest, places I had to go didn’t always look the best and had a way of making me feel less than. There had to be another way. I never truly found another way. So I decided to make a way, for women to feel good about the changes and challenges that come with motherhood while getting the support they need. Which birthed M.O.R.E!

I needed the Motivation. 

I needed the Opportunities.

I needed the Resources.

I needed to be Empowered.

Now M.O.R.E Mothers is the new baby I’m raising with the help of many Mothers, Aunts, God Mothers, Sisters, Mentors, Friends, Neighbors, STRONG WOMEN that know the meaning of #motherhoodtogether. 

-Toi, Founder 

Our Team

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